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What skin types are there.


Healthy skin is divided into four skin types: normal, dry, oily and combination skin. The skin type is determined both by genetic factors as well as by  different  inner  and outer  Factors determined. We list the most important skin types here so that you can determine your own skin type based on the explanations. We offer them our valuable assistance  specially designed  Skin tester  at. Simply request it and it will come to your home for free.

Normale Haut
Normal skin

What is normal?

The term "normal" is generally used for a balanced complexion. The T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) can be slightly greasy, but the sebum and moisture levels are balanced and the skin is neither too greasy nor too dry.


Normal skin  is characterized by:

  • fine pores

  • good blood circulation

  • velvety, delicate and smooth texture

  • evenly fresh and rosy color

  • little to no blemishes 

Trockene Haut
Dry skin

What does it mean to have dry skin?


Dry skin  it is lacking  on the lipids that  Prevent moisture loss and thus form a protective film against external influences. This deficiency can impair the barrier function. The skin feels tight and can also be flaky. Far more women than men are affected by dry skin. With increasing age, the fat / water balance no longer regulates itself, which is why it is important to use care products that penetrate the horny layer  and support self-regulation. The skin type characteristics of dry skin range from “slightly drier than normal” to “very dry” to “extremely dry”.

Fettige Haut
Oily skin

Oily skin - what does it mean?

The term “greasy” is used to refer to a type of skin that produces an increased amount of sebum. The excessive production of sebum is called seborrhea. Oily skin is a sign that the skin's natural metabolism is out of balance. In addition to genetic and  Medication can also be hormonal factors  wrong cosmetics can be responsible for oily skin.

Combination skin

The meaning and characteristics of combination skin are:

With combination skin, the skin is in the nose and forehead area  and different features on the cheeks. The extent of the so-called T-zone can be very different - from a very narrow strip to an extensive area.

Combination skin is characterized by the following features:

  • oily T-zone (forehead, nose and chin)  

  • enlarged pores in the T-zone, possibly also impurities

  • normal to dry cheeks

Empfindliche Haut
Sensitive skin

Signs of sensitive skin:

Healthy skin protects against external influences and regulates  the  Water balance.  this  happens mainly through processes in the horny layer, the stratum corneum, which consists of cells and lipids. If this protective function is disturbed  is it can too  Flaking, redness, rashes, swelling, flaking and roughness occur. The skin reacts more sensitively to a wide variety of influencing factors.

These symptoms can of course appear on any part of the face.

Reife Haut
Mature skin

The skin ages from around the age of 25. The reasons for general skin aging  are  internal and external factors. The internal factors are based on the aging of the body and on the  genetic  Substance. Outer  Factors are environmental influences, but also the consumption of addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol, etc.  With the right care products, skin aging can be delayed and the skin appear fresher. Of course, she cannot be stopped.


Skin aging is a natural process. Proper care can delay it.

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